According to the Wall Street Journal News, Friday, India announced the launch of a private company $ 99 Tablet PC to Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy pad online Industry experts expect India, many Indians, especially in rural areas who will choose the Tablet PC to give up laptop, desktop, access the Internet, and they embrace this phone from a fixed phone call.
India is the world's fastest growing telecom market, its Internet penetration rate remains low, but half the 1.2 billion people use mobile pad online Lakshmi Access Communications Systems Inc. and introduced a $ 99 flat-panel design, which uses 4.3-inch display, named Magnum Pepper, chose the Android operating system, and its manufacturers from China. Lakshmi Access project financing up to $ 22 million, and listed in the next 12-18 months.
Lakshmi Access Managing Director Jean (Mahendraa Kumar Jain) said: "We make it affordable, and to ensure that fit into a pocket..Lakshmi Access will also introduce other tablet PCs, the highest price of $ pad $ 99 flat wireless network that supports 3G, 4G with storage space, 800Mhz processor, 25M of memory.As India has launched 3G network, so flat and more intense competition, late next year or after year, India will launch 4G network.
Earlier this week, India Beetel Teletech Huawei launched the $ 220 flat joint, long ago, Reliance has launched a $ 280 tablet pad online Samsung Electronics launched in India in early August tablet Galaxy, 10.1 inch $ 799 8.9-inch price of $ 750. In India, Apple iPad 2 16G, WiFi version of the $ 499, RIM 7-inch flat-panel price $ 617.